Comparison of the “Best Marketing Calendar Software” on G2
Out of all of the tools listed in the marketing calendar category on G2, only Annum has been purposely engineered for strategic integrated planning. We created this guide to help you evaluate your options and assess Annum’s innovative points of differentiation.
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Comparison Content Overview
Each of the planning tools listed in G2’s “best marketing calendars” category has a different set of features and benefits and provides value in a different way. In order to help you evaluate your options, our comparison includes:
- Our overview of common marketing planning tools
- All G2 marketing calendar applications categorized by role: marketing planning, project management, content planning and production
- A feature comparison of the best marketing calendars for marketing planning
In the PDF you’ll also get a link to a Google Sheet version of both of our comparison tables so you can customize them for your needs.
G2’s Best Marketing Calendar Tools Support Three Different Roles
At a high level the marketing calendar tools reviewed on G2 serve three different roles within the marketing function: marketing planning, project management, and content production. In the comparison we categorize them by role to help you hone in on the ones that best support your needs.
1. Marketing Planning Tools
These tools support strategic marketing planning, in other words, determining what needs to happen when in order to meet the marketing and business objectives. They show the duration of campaigns along with the in-market timing of tactics.
2. Project Management Tools
Project management tools facilitate the execution of the marketing plan. They are designed for entering tasks, subtasks, assignees, and due dates. They show what needs to be done in order to bring the plan to life.
3. Content Planning and Production Tools
Content planning and production tools help teams create and publish content. They are designed for storing images, entering copy, and creating graphics. They facilitate asset creation, approvals, and content publishing.
Most solutions listed in G2’s best marketing calendar category focus on project management and content development, and only a few cater specifically to marketing planning. Our solution, Annum, is purpose built for strategic integrated planning, so we do a deep dive into that category in the comparison.