Recommend Annum to
Multi-Channel Marketers

Do you know someone who would benefit from our integrated marketing planning software?

It would mean the world to us if you could recommend Annum to that person.

We are deeply committed to crafting solutions that deliver value and are greatly appreciative of the support we’ve received from our customers and the people in our network.

We’ve learned that the best way for us to connect with teams who could use our software is through referral and so would like to offer you something for helping us get the word out.

For every successful referral, you’ll receive a bottle of our favorite champagne, Veuve Clicquot Brut, or a dozen fresh macarons from Laduree.

Image: Veuve Clicquot

Image: Laduree

We know your relationships are valuable and want to assure you that we are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions supported by excellent customer service.

To make it easy, we’ve created an email template you can use to make as many referrals as you’d like. With one click you can load it into your email program.

Referral Email Template

Hi  –

I’m reaching out because I wanted to tell you about an innovative solution I came across for strategic integrated marketing planning.

Annum brings all campaigns, channels, content, online and offline tactics together so that you can see everything that’s going on all at once. It delivers a unified calendar view of the planned customer experience that’s filterable by campaign, target segment, and more. And it integrates with project management apps to automatically aggregate all in market tactics while keeping people working in their preferred tools.

I thought you’d be interested in the platform since it provides an executive view of the marketing plan, helps break down silos by getting everyone on the same page, and delivers the visibility teams need to create cohesive and compelling omnichannel customer experiences.

You can view Annum’s overview presentation here:

> https://www.annumplanning.com/introduction-to-annum/

I hope you find this helpful!


All the best,


How it Works

Click the button below the template. It will open up your email program with the template loaded in. Then you can personalize by adding:

  • Recipient’s email address
  • Recipient’s first name
  • Your signature
  • And any necessary edits to the message

You’ll see our referral tracker in the BCC field. The person you email will also be asked who referred them should they sign up for a free trial or a live demo.

Once you click send, the URL for the presentation will turn into a live link.

After someone you’ve referred has signed up as a new customer and paid for at least 3 months of an annual subscription, we’ll reach out to let you know and get your shipping address for your thank you gift.

You can refer as many people as you want by returning to this form.

Click below to open your email program with the template loaded in.  Then you can personalize and send. 

Thank you kindly.

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